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Enid Blyton

The Three Strange Travellers

Paperback (Bounty Books Nov. 23, 2015) , UK ed. edition
A goat, a dog and a duck don't mke the likliest of travelling trios, do they? Find out about their adventures in this delightful collection of stories from the much-loved Enid Blyton. This magical book also tells the tales of Tippity bird's feather, Mother Hubbard's honey and the forgetful little girl. Other stories in this colume: The Roundabout Man He Wouldn't Wipe His Shoes Jane Goes Out to Stay Mr Miggle's Spectacles The Marvellous Pink Vase Goofy Isn't Very Clever and many more...
Enid Blyton Star Reads
0753730669 / 9780753730669
12.6 oz.
6.9 x 0.4 in.

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