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The book of body & mind magic

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Tom Mason

The book of body & mind magic

Paperback (Scholastic March 15, 2002) , 1 edition
This book is all about the magical power of you! These tricks are for your hands, your feet, your nose, your eyes, and of course your ever-so-powerful brain. The brainy tricks-that is, the Mind Magic tricks-involve memory, secret numbers, and super-fast calculations (don't worry, it's just addition and subtraction). You'll amaze your friends by adding up the hidden sides of three dice, and you'll amaze them even more by figuring out their secret numbers with your Calculator Cards. Then there are the Body Magic tricks. You're going to learn how to make your feet disappear, how to make a pencil slide into your head (and come out of your mouth), and how to crack your nose and knuckles so loud that your poor audience will wince and cringe. There are also some great tricks that involve both body and mind optical illusions that will play tricks on your audience's eyes and minds.
0439327113 / 9780439327114
4.0 oz.
8.9 x 4.9 in.

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