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Emily Dickinson


Hardcover (Lowe & B. Hould Publishers March 15, 1998)
Few of Emily Dickinson's poems were published in her lifetime. After her death the editing of her poetry into a publishable manuscript fell to an Amherst friend, Mabel Loomis Todd who eventually enlisted the aid of T. W. Higginson. The collection was first published in 1890 with some work slightly altered by the editors to make them more accessible to the 19th century ear. Dickinson's power came through clearly and the publication went through 11 printings. This volume reproduces that 1890 collection which was the first time much of her work was published. Witty, wry, subversive, incisive and celebratory, these poems lay the foundation for Dickinson's literary reputation.
0681224789 / 9780681224780
12.0 oz.
7.4 x 5.7 in.

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