C. C. Channer
Lace-making in the Midlands; past and present
(RareBooksClub.com May 22, 2012)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1900 Excerpt: ...Brabant, M.A. Illustrated by E. H. New. Xittle JBiograpbies Fcap. 8vo. Each Volume, cloth 2s. 6d.; leather, y. 6d. net. Messrs. Methuen will publish shortly the first two volumes of a new series bearing the above title. Each book will contain the biography of a character famous in war, art, literature or science, and will be written by an acknowledged expert. The books will be charmingly produced and will be well illustrated. They will make delightful gift books. THE LIFE OF SAVONAROLA. By E. L. Horsburgh, M.A., With Portraits and Illustrations. THE LIFE OF DANTE ALIGHIERI. By Paget Toynbee. With 10 Illustrations. Zbe Wovke of Shakespeare General Editor, Edward Dowden, Litt. D. New volumes uniform with Professor Dowden's Hamlet. ROMEO AND JULIET. Edited by Edward Dowden, Litt.D. Demy %vo. $s. 6d. KING LEAR. Edited by W. J. Craig. Demy ivo. 3s. 6d. dftetbuen's Stanoaro Xibrarg MEMOIRS OF MY LIFE AND WRITINGS. By Edward Gibbon. Edited, with an Introduction and Notes by G. Birkbeck Hill, LL.D. Crown 8vo. 6s, THE LETTERS OF LORD CHESTERFIELD TO HIS SON. Edited, with an Introduction and Notes by C. STRACHBY and A. Calthrop. Two volumes. Crown &vo. 6s. each. Gbe novels of Cbarles IMcfcena With Introductions by George Gissing, Notes by F. G. Kitton, and Illustrations. Crown %vo. Each Volume, doth 3s. net, leather 4J. 6d. net. The first volumes are: THE PICKWICK PAPERS. With Illustrations by E. H. New. Two Volumes. Ready NICHOLAS NICKLEBY. With Illustrations by R. J. Williams. Two Volumes. BLEAK HOUSE. With Illustrations by Beatrice Alcock. Two Volumes. OLIVER TWIST. With Illustrations by E. II. New. One Volume. TZhe Xtttle XiBrarg With Introductions, Notes, and Photogravure Frontispieces. Pott 8vo. Each Volume, cloth is, 6d. net.; leather 2s. 6d. net. NEW VOLU...
- 1236449355 / 9781236449351
- Pages
- 40
- Weight
- 3.2 oz.
- Dimensions
- 7.4 x 0.1