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D.T. MacKinnon

The Last Sunrise

language (D.T. MacKinnon Dec. 5, 2013) , 2nd edition
The Last Sunrise

In 2012 it has been one hundred years since Reverend Richard Collins sauntered into vampire Dr. Charles Stark’s office but the decisions made in that office that day reverberate still.

Now, 17-year old Sarah Barker is grieving the loss of her father and struggling to deal with an insane, cruel aunt; bullies who play spin the bottle on the grave of a teenager who suffered a massive stake through the heart; the torment of imaginary vampires; convoluted murder schemes and . . . a mystery man claiming to be a 42-year-old teenager.

If she can keep herself alive and sane she might find that people and things are not always as bad as they seem . . . they’re usually worse.


They looked at her like she had just asked them to volunteer to give foot massages at an old folk's home. Then, they looked at each other just as vacantly.
"Surprised? I'm not surprised you're surprised. Yeah, that's right. I know all about it. I figured it all out and I got all the stupid little clues, too. The fangs were pretty cheesy. I already told that fat slob I can play vampires, too. And now I'm telling you the same thing. I'm not going down without a fight and taking a few-"

"What were you expecting me to do with them?" he asked.
She shook her head and mumbled, "I didn't think anything."
"Are you sure you aren't surprised by what I did?" he asked.
She shook her head.

Sarah stood up, walked to where he lay and looked down at him. Satisfied that he was not going to grab her, she cautiously knelt down beside him and placed the crowbar over his heart. She raised the hammer high above it.

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