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Cats / Their Points and Characteristics, with Curiosities of Cat Life, and a Chapter on Feline Ailments by W. Gordon Stables

W. Gordon Stables

Cats / Their Points and Characteristics, with Curiosities of Cat Life, and a Chapter on Feline Ailments by W. Gordon Stables

eBook ( Aug. 10, 2013)
“If ye mane to write a preface to your book, sure you must put it in the end entoirely.”
Such was the advice an Irish friend gave me, when I talked of an introductory chapter to the present work on cats. I think it was a good one. Whether it be owing to our style of living now-a-days, which tends more to the development of brain than muscle; or whether it be, as Darwin says, that we really are descended from the ape, and, as the years roll on, are losing that essentially animal virtue—patience; certainly it is true that we cannot tolerate prefaces, preludes, and long graces before meat, as our grandfathers did. A preface, like Curaçoa—and—B, before dinner, ought to be short and sweet: something merely to give an edge to appetite, or it had as well be put in the “end entoirely,” or better still, in the fire.
I presume, then, the reader is fond of the domestic cat; if only for the simple reason that God made it. Yes; God made it, and man mars it. Pussy is an ill-used, much persecuted, little understood, and greatly slandered animal. It is with the view, therefore, of gaining for our little fireside friend a greater meed of justice than she has hitherto obtained, of removing the ban under which she mostly lives, and making her life a more pleasant and happy one, that the following pages are written; and I shall deem it a blessing if I am in any way successful. I have tried to paint pussy just as she is, without the aid of “putty and varnish;” and I have been at no small pains to prove the authenticity of the various anecdotes, and can assure the reader that they are all strictly true.
Pussy on her Native Hearth
Pussy’s Love of Children
Pussy “Poll”
Sagacity of Cats
A Cat that keeps the Sabbath
Honest Cats
The Ploughman’s “Mysie”
Tenacity of Life in Cats
Nomadism in Cats
“Is Cats to be Trusted?”
Pussy as a Mother
Home Ties and Affections
Fishing Exploits
The Adventures of Blinks
Hunting Exploits
Cock-Jock and the Cat
Nursing Vagaries
Pussy’s Playmates
Pussy and the Hare
The Miller’s Friend. A Tale
Origin and Antiquity of the Domestic Cat
Classification and Points
Pussy’s Patience and Cleanliness
Tricks and Training
Cruelty to Cats
Parliamentary Protection for the Domestic Cat
Feline Ailments
Odds and Ends
The Two “Muffies.” A Tale
Black Tom, the Skipper’s Imp. A Tale

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