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A natural history of the mammalia Volume 1

George Robert Waterhouse

A natural history of the mammalia Volume 1

Paperback ( May 21, 2012)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1848 Excerpt: ...direction, as is occupied by the two foremost molars in the larger ani VILLE PF. LYON Iibli0th.1lu Pulnis des Arts malsl; the skull is relatively shorter, and the hinder portion is more arched. Inches. Lines Length from nose to root of tail.... 6 2 " from ditto to ear.. 1 4 " of ear 7 Width of ditto.. 7 Length of fore foot and nails.. 7 " of hind foot and nails l OQ " of tail 3 0 " of skull l 4% Width of ditto 9 Length of nasal bones 6-Width of ditto behind 2 " in front.. 2 From incisor teeth to molars 4% Length of three foremost molars, taken together 2% " of the four molars, about 32 Antero-posterior diameter of auditory bulla: 6 Length of lower jaw ll " of angular portion 5; Height of lower jaw. measured from the condyle 4 Oclodon. Baunzrr, Proceedings of the Zool. Soc. for March, 1832, p. 46; Trans. Zool. Soc. vol. ii. p. Bl. Dendrobius. MEYEN, Nova Acta Acad. Nat. Cur. xvi. p. 600. 1833. Octodontina with moderately large ears; tail nearly as long as the body, with long hairs at, and near the point; five toes to the fore or hind feet; the claws small: incisor teeth moderate as to width, or somewhat narrow; convex in front: l I have before me the skull of a young Coypu (Mg/opolamua Cog/pus) in which the molar teeth are in precisely the same condition as in the Habr. Cuvieri, and, upon comparing the three foremost molars of this skull with the same teeth in an adult animal, I find they measure a trifle more in the longitudinal direction in the young than in the old animal, where each tooth has been slightly wom by the friction of the adjoining tooth or teeth. molar teeth each with a single indenting fold of enamel on either side; the hinder half of the upper molars much narrower than the anterior portion: a s...
1236429249 / 9781236429247
9.3 oz.
7.4 x 0.3 in.