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Do You Know Your Dad's Story?: The Unasked Questions

Glenna Mageau

Do You Know Your Dad's Story?: The Unasked Questions

Paperback (paperback May 5, 2019)
What do you really know about your Dad? Do you know much about his childhood? The difficulties he has faced? The fun things he did? The things he wished he had done?Your dad is so much more than the man who raised you. He grew up in a time very different from yours—the beliefs, habits, and expectations were very different, as were the way things were done. Your dad has seen a lot in his life, getting to hear his journey will help you to understand him in a whole new light. Start the conversation with your dad, especially if he is elderly. This book is a guide which provides questions to ask, as well as how and when to ask them. Use this as a way to grow, mend and/or heal the relationship between you and your dad; preserve this man’s journey through life and in particular his role as Dad. His story is his legacy to you.
1775269841 / 9781775269847
14.4 oz.
6.0 x 0.6 in.