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Sex, Drugs, Enlightenment: Noble Secrets from an Orthodox Buddhist ex-Monk

Alex Walking

Sex, Drugs, Enlightenment: Noble Secrets from an Orthodox Buddhist ex-Monk

eBook (Walking Publications LLC July 10, 2017)
An insider’s mind-blowing autobiography. It reveals for the first time the closely guarded enlightenment secrets of meditation masters in the world’s oldest lineage of Buddhist monks. Read fascinating personal accounts of accomplished adepts, both women and men, with the rarest of abilities.This definitive work also maps the evolution of Buddhism into today’s post-traditional form. It explains the Buddha’s science of mind and body as never before. Meticulously footnoted, it will hold up under the scrutiny of every Buddhologist and Buddhist teacher.

Explore the empowering potential of using cannabis, MDMA, and LSD in sacred sex rituals to intimately grasp the nature of reality. This part describes in detail a ‘power practice’. You can embody the supernatural knowledge of dedicated initiates!

Advance Warning: Theory and Practice sections C, D, and E contain dangerous spoilers for Vipassana meditation practitioners. Traditionally, these derail ultimate success, but this portion wouldn’t be complete without them. In this new paradigm of the Information Age, anything less than full disclosure isn’t fair to you. There are warnings where they start. If you read them, consider yourself to be a consenting adult.

British spelling is a conscious choice.

About the author:

Born late in the Baby Boom to white-collar, WASP parents, Alex Walking was orphaned in his youth. As a teenager, he enjoyed thorough immersion in the imported cannabis trade. Cashing out at twenty-two, he spent six years spread over the next seven living in Sri Lanka, India, Nepal, and Thailand. He took to practising meditation in caves and jungle, well off the beaten paths.

In Asia, Alex learned both Samadhi and Vipassana meditation from incredible adepts in their inner sanctums. His Samadhi teacher was an extraordinary woman highly placed in the Theravadin Buddhist world. She would bounce him into states more vivid and electrically charged than our sphere.

An accredited master in that orthodox Order of monks threw the experience of Nibbana into Alex’s system. Understanding Nibbana at four progressively deeper levels confers enlightenment from barely to fully.

He was taught how to repeat the experience which is essential for becoming fully enlightened. Then, Alex was objectively tested for it over and over by the monk’s lineage’s secret methods to make sure there was no mistake. He emerged, apparently, irrevocably a different sort of human being. Theory and Practice C, D, and E explain how this happens and what it means.

For fifteen months he was a fully ordained Theravadin Buddhist monk in the forest tradition of northern Thailand.

All of that rare yet classical education enabled him to write this important work.

The entheogens Alex is most familiar with are cannabis, LSD, and MDMA. He’s taken LSD at least three hundred times. MDMA, he’s taken at least four hundred times. 99% of his experiences with MDMA centred on ritualised tantric sex, as have many of his LSD trips.

Although no longer bound by a pact to not disclose the identity of his late teacher of Red Tantra, Alex chooses not to at this time. A major Western guru loved to present her to his students as the most accomplished Tantrica he knew. In her local community, she was considered a role model for women.

The book does contain inspiring details about her and insightful quotes. Multi-orgasmic and fully ejaculatory, she would completely morph into the archetypal sex goddess that the Tibetans call 'The Diamond Yogini'. Physically regenerated, her features retained the shifts afterwards.

This gorgeous, brilliant lady considered such access to be every woman’s birthright which they’ve been denied through the subjugation of their sexual energy. She was adept in her navigation of the realms and her ability to articulate the experience. That made her the indispensable Initiatress into the secrets of sexual connection.

Whatever your deepest question is, its answer is in this book!
