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Horatio Alger

The Young Explorer

Paperback (Independently published July 8, 2020)
"I've settled up your father's estate, Benjamin," said Job Stanton. "You'll find it all figgered out on this piece of paper. There was that two-acre piece up at Rockville brought seventy-five dollars, the medder fetched a hundred and fifty, the two cows—" "How much does it all come to, Uncle Job?" interrupted Ben, who was impatient of details. "Hadn't you better let me read off the items, nephew?" asked Job, looking over his spectacles. "No, Uncle Job. I know you've done your best for me, and there's no need of your going through it all. How much is there left after all expenses are paid?" "That's what I was a-comin' to, Ben. I make it out that there's three hundred and sixty-five dollars and nineteen cents. That's a dollar for every day in the year. It's a good deal of money, Ben."
/ 9798663848039
10.6 oz.
8.2 x 0.3 in.

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