Jianna Higgins, S. Joan Popek

Just Going: Lily's Story

language (Southern Star Publications Dec. 11, 2013)
*Finalist Readers' Favorite Book Awards 2015 in Realistic Fiction
*Winner of Honorable Mention Medal in the Global Ebook Awards 2014 in Popular Literature Fiction
*Short-listed finalist in the Writers' Village International Novel Award 2014 open genre
*Top 5 finalist in Chatelaine Awards 2014
*Top 5 finalist in the Danté Rossetti Awards for Young Adult Novels 2014
*Semi-finalist in the Kindle Best Indie Book Awards 2014 in YA.

When you don't have a close parental bond, what fills the empty void? How do you get your parents' attention when you weren't the child they wanted? Steal cheap undies from Walmart? Get arrested? Well it seemed like a good idea at the time.

The crotchety old judge who is supposed to impose a fine takes one look at Lily's private school uniform, dyed black hair and Goth-style makeup, and allocates her 50 hours community service at a retirement home. He thinks she will learn something. She disagrees.

When you can't relate to people your own age, how do you relate to old people? On her first visit to Sorrento Retirement Facility, Lily meets Alice, an elderly woman with an acerbic tongue who wants to escape, and her daughter Karen for whom she feels an instant warmth. She also meets the head nurse who takes an immediate dislike to her.

An instantaneous decision to steal cheap knickers set Lily on a new path. But it is not smooth. There are people on it who will attempt to block her way.

Abandonment, loss, hope, strength, love, humor, romance. This story has it all.

Read the Amazon sample to decide if you want to know Lily's story.