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At the Foot of the Rainbow

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Gene Stratton-Porter

At the Foot of the Rainbow

Paperback ( March 26, 2012)
“At the Foot of the Rainbow,” Gene Stratton-Porter's 1907 novel, uses fishing as a backdrop to tell the story of Jimmy Malone and Dannie Macnoun, who is in love with Jimmy's wife, Mary. The characters, setting, dialogue/dialect, and virtues are classic Porter; the issues and values are timeless; and the thought-provoking manner in which Stratton-Porter concludes her story leave one considering their own lives on a deeper level. Well worth a few hours of reading, this work also includes a lengthy biographical introduction on the author's life and work.
1611045231 / 9781611045239
9.8 oz.
6.0 x 0.3 in.

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