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Jake Henderson

The 70s & 80s

Paperback (Independently published Feb. 6, 2019)

History Brief: The 70s & 80s

Reading Through History is proud to present this volume of History Brief which will help you gain a quick understanding of two important decades in American history.

Have you ever wanted to know more about Richard Nixon or the Watergate scandal? Maybe you have recently found yourself interested in the Equal Rights Amendment or Title IX? Ever wanted to learn about the Bicentennial Celebration or the Oil Crisis? Perhaps you just want to know more about the Reagan administration?

History Brief: The 70s & 80s has everything you need to know!

In this quick read you will learn about the following exciting topics:

  1. The Nixon Administration
  2. The American Indian Movement
  3. Gerald Ford
  4. Daily life in the 70s and 80s
  5. Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, and George HW Bush
  6. and much, much more!

Whether you’re interested in the end of the Cold War or the Persian Gulf War, History Brief: The 70s & 80s is bound to fulfill your needs.

Everything you need to know is one click away!

Grab Your Copy Today!

1796244007 / 9781796244007
8.5 oz.
5.0 x 0.4 in.

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