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The Story of the Three Little Pigs

L. Leslie Brooke

The Story of the Three Little Pigs

( June 17, 2017)
This is the story of the 3 little pigs from the perspective of Alexander T. Wolf. The wolf is trying to set the story straight of how he came to be 'big and bad'. At the beginning of the book, he's cooking a cake for his grandmother's birthday, but he's run out of sugar. He goes to ask his neighbors, the pigs, for some sugar. They all say no to him, and as a result of a sneeze (due to a cold that he was suffering from), he 'accidentally' blows the first two pigs' houses down. Since they're already dead he eats them, saying that it would be terrible to let a "perfectly good pork dinner go to waste". The third pig's house (made of bricks) does not suffer the same fate. Mr. Wolf is arrested and the third pig survives. So Mr. Wolf is in jail and his poor sweet granny gets no birthday cake

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