These magnificent illustrations, created for a 1905 edition of Washington Irving's enchanting fairy tale, established Arthur Rackham as a leading illustrator of his time. The illustrations featured traits that soon were to characterize much of Rackham's art: flowing pen lines and muted watercolors, forests of looming trees, lovely fairy maidens, and quizzical troll-like figures. Today these images are recognized as among Rackham's very best works.
This edition features all 51 full-page color plates, as well as the full text of Irving's classic tale. And enduring foundation of Catskill lore, the captivating narrative recounts the fanciful adventures of an amiable ne'er-do-well colonial farmer who wanders into the highlands, falls asleep after drinking with a band of strange little mountain men, and wakes twenty years later in a world that has passed him by.
Effusing a gentle humor, Rackham's art is a constant reminder of a more innocent era. This edition — sure to enchant art lovers — will also delight Rackham devotees and fantasy fans alike.
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