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Kraus Brothers

Eastern Fairy Tales

Paperback (Independently published Dec. 7, 2019)
Eastern fairy tales 1. Children's picture book.This is the first illustrated book of the "Tales of the World" series – Eastern fairy tales. There are five hilarious stories for children about the adventures of Ali Baba. Ali Baba is a cheerful, resourceful and witty hero that ridicules greed, stupidity, and laziness. He’s a fighter for justice and defender of ordinary people. Thanks to his cunning and wit, he always comes out of any situation a winner and defeats evil. Recommended for children, parents, grandparents.Content: Ali Baba's Magic Spoon, The Rejuvenating Wand, The Singing Richman, Shaitan, Ten HatsAuthors of the book series: Kraus Brothers (A. Kraus & I. Kraus) It's five fairy tales, and you will beg for seventy more. To be continued...
Children's picture book (Book 1)
1672297621 / 9781672297622
5.3 oz.
6.0 x 0.2 in.

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