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Performance Enhancing Drugs

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Norah Piehl

Performance Enhancing Drugs

Library Binding (Greenhaven Press July 2, 2010)

Behind policy debate over welfare reform, AIDS funding and hate crime laws are people struggling with poverty, illness and discrimination. Illuminating the often-neglected human side of society's pressing problems, this must-have series broadens and balances readers' exposure to issues such as homosexuality, poverty and suicide. Each anthology presents a diverse collection of personal narratives written by individuals with first-hand experience in the topic being discussed, either as a participant, a witness or an involved professional. Gangs, for example, includes the perspectives of gang members as well as those who have encountered gang violence and those who have counseled gang members. Each volume in Social Issues Firsthand offers a thorough bibliography for future research, plus a list of related organizations to contact and a detailed index enabling quick access to target information.

Social Issues Firsthand
0737750111 / 9780737750119
10.4 oz.
6.0 x 1.0 in.

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