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On Zen Practice: Body, Breath, and Mind

Hakuyu Taizan Maezumi, Bernard Glassman, Taizan Maezumi, Bernie Glassman, Robert Aiken

On Zen Practice: Body, Breath, and Mind

eBook (Wisdom Publications Nov. 24, 2012) , 1st Wisdom Ed edition
This updated landmark volume makes available for the first time in decades the teachings that were formative to a whole generation of American Zen teachers and students. Conceived as an overarching primer on the practice of Zen, chapters in this volume address every aspect of practice: beginning practice, shikantaza, chanting, sesshin, working with Mu, and the nature of koans. In the intervening years since the publication of the earlier edition, countless books have appeared on Zen. Few, if any, have approached the strengths of On Zen Practice as a reference or teaching tool, and the book retains a lively, immediate quality that will appeal to today's readers.