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The Faith of Men: 100th Anniversary Collection

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Jack London

The Faith of Men: 100th Anniversary Collection

Paperback (SeaWolf Press Dec. 28, 2017)
SeaWolf Press is proud to offer another book in its Jack London 100th Anniversary Collection. Each book in the collection contains the text, illustrations, and cover from the first edition (but it is not just a photocopy.) Use Amazon's Lookinside feature to compare this edition with others. You'll be impressed by the differences. Our version has:
  • Text that has been proofread to avoid errors common in other versions.
  • A beautiful cover that replicates the first edition cover.
  • The complete text in an easy-to-read font similar to the original.
  • Properly formatted text complete with correct indenting, spacing, footnotes, italics, and tables.

Look for other Jack London books in our 100th Anniversary Collection.

A collection of eight of Jack London's classic short stories. This was one of Jack's earliest books and focuses mainly on his experience among the gold miners and trappers of the Yukon Territory. Besides an interesting tale about an evil dog, it covers life among the native tribes. "The One Thousand Dozen" tale is an interesting, though tragic, yarn about the value of eggs in a frontier environment.

1948132524 / 9781948132527
9.5 oz.
5.25 x 0.58 in.

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