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I Call Myself a Prospector

Bob Durnin, Frank Durnin

I Call Myself a Prospector

(CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform June 6, 2015)
Two paths appeared, and young Bob chose the northern route.This is a story of one man's journey through the field of mining exploration, but it is much more. A day's work called for ten mile hikes, often on snowshoes, punctuated by good times around the noon tea fire and at the evening common room. These are the stories and the legends of Canada's exploration fraternity, told by someone who has "been there and done that," a legend in his own right, told in the style of the tea-fire/common room chat.You will be entertained.
Book One
1512380113 / 9781512380118
27.2 oz.
8.5 x 0.6 in.

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