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The Rough Riders: Adventures in the Spanish-American War of 1868

Theodore IV Roosevelt

The Rough Riders: Adventures in the Spanish-American War of 1868

Paperback (Aziloth Books Feb. 19, 2013)
The Spanish-American war of 1868 resulted in a US invasion of Spanish-controlled Cuba in support of native insurgents. Theodore 'Teddy' Roosevelt raised a regiment - the Rough Riders - to fight in Cuba. Comprised of a motley band of cowboys, Amerindians, African Americans and rich men's sons, the regiment acquitted itself well, most notably in their famous charge at the Battle of San Juan Hill. The future President of the United States kept a journal of regiment's exploits throughout the four months of the war. His book 'The Rough Riders' (based on the journal) was the publishing sensation of 1899. Full of stirring accounts of action and bravery under fire, Roosevelt also details the failures, boredom and hardships of the campaign, with insect-borne disease producing more casualties than the fighting. A classic and highly readable account of American Arms at the turn of the nineteenth century.
1908388986 / 9781908388988
7.1 oz.
5.98 x 0.3 in.

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