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Jewels of Gwahlur by Robert E. Howard

Robert E. Howard

Jewels of Gwahlur by Robert E. Howard

language (Halcyon Press, Ltd. Oct. 18, 2010) , First edition
This Halcyon Classics ebook is Robert E. Howard's Conan tale JEWELS OF GWAHLUR.

In far Keshan, Conan has come to the abandoned city of Gwahlur in search of its famed riches. But the priests of Keshan are searching there too, and the penalty for profaning the ancient city is a slow, horrible death...

Robert Ervin Howard (1906-1936) is best known today for creating the sword-and-sorcery hero Conan, subject of two movies and dozens of books. However, during his short life Howard also published stories in a number of other genres. In addition to fantasy, Howard wrote boxing stories, westerns, detective stories, horror and created an number of compelling characters such as Solomon Kane, Bran Mak Morn, El Borak, Steve Costigan, Pike Bearfield, King Kull, and Conan the Cimmerian. Howard committed suicide in 1936.

This unexpurgated edition contains the complete text, with minor errors and omissions corrected.

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