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Teenie Weenies Under the Rosebush

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William Donahey

Teenie Weenies Under the Rosebush

eBook ( June 5, 2020)
Young children love the delightful little Teenie Weenies, who are a kindly, clever, jolly folk, always ready and anxious to do a kind deed. In their snug little home beneath a friendly rosebush the Teenie Weenies live a happy life, filled with pleasant everyday happenings and also with an occasional adventure. The Dunce, forever getting into trouble; Mr. and Mrs. Lover and the Twins; the General, always fearless and brave; the Lady of Fashion, the Cowboy, and the Chinaman —these and all the other Teenie Weenies are such fascinating characters that every young child will want to read more and more stories about them.

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