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The History of Hypolitus, Earl of Douglas: With the Secret History of Macbeth, King of Scotland, to Which Is Added, the Art of Love, or the Amours of ... and a Young Lady of Quality

Aulnoy Aulnoy

The History of Hypolitus, Earl of Douglas: With the Secret History of Macbeth, King of Scotland, to Which Is Added, the Art of Love, or the Amours of ... and a Young Lady of Quality

Paperback (Forgotten Books Aug. 13, 2012)
Throne of England had a Siller named Mary a Lady of an exquifite Beauty, and defired io Marriage by feveral Sovereign Princes ;but King Henry not defirous to fee her married, had refufed their Propofals, till the Duke t)f Longue ville, being taken Pfifoner by Henry in the Battle of Eperzas he propofed to the EngUJ h Court a Marriage betwixt the Princefs Maryjsxi King Le ijjh XIL of France. The King of Englatid received his Proportion with fingular Marks of Satisfadion ;and the French King, charmed with the Portraiture of this lovely Princels, immediately fent the General of Normandy into England who concluded both the Marriage and a Peace in fourteen Days, and conduded the Princefs to i Sologne. Be7ore herr cparture from London the Ea rl of Bur prevailed with her to take A long with her the Earl of Warwick in the Quality of one of her Pages of Honour, who, notwithftanding he was then not above eleven Years of A ge, was much refpeded at that Court. The. French King fent the Duke of Angouleme to receive the Princefs, and to marry her by Proxy; and this great Lord, who was a very complete and handfom Perfon, discharged his Commiflion with fo much Gallantry and Politenefs, that the young Princefs was charmed with his Perfon, and fecretly bemoaned her Fate, in that Heaven had not been pleafed to beftow fo amiable a Perfon upon her for a Husband. He on the other hand began to be fo far fenfible of the Effeds of her Beauty and Charms, that he foon found the fame Flame to break out in his Breaft, which already burnt jn hers; and he would certainly have pufhed on his Paflion and amorous Adventure to a higher Pitch, had it not been for the prudent Advice of Mr. Duprat :T his Gentleman tried all Means to diflwade him from it upon the Motives of I ntereft and Prudence ;but finding the Duke not to give ear to them, (being too far gone to be recalled by his Perfwafions) h(Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.)
22.4 oz.
6.0 x 0.8 in.

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