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Bible Kids Speak Up: 36 Video Scripts for Children and Teens

Robert A. Allen

Bible Kids Speak Up: 36 Video Scripts for Children and Teens

language (The Bible Story Family Oct. 9, 2019)
Children love to see themselves in action. These thirty-six video scripts make that possible. Performing these monologues on video will make it possible to edit the presentations so that the final product can error free. Both the video-taping process and the viewing of the film will prove exciting for the performers.
The monologues in this collection, designed for solo performers, may also be presented live. No special staging is necessary in terms of sets. Simple biblical costumes would be appropriate, but the purpose of the readings is to cause the listeners to see the scene in their minds, so the use of costumes should be up to the director. The readings will be just as effective in all-black or modern dress. When used as a group of monologues, either all or none of the performers should be in costume. The performer should always envision the scene in his or her own mind in order to display that scene mentally to the audience. Thinking of one listener who takes shape in the performer’s mind will help bring the scene to life for the audience as well. That person imagined as the listener can be addressed personally by means of movement and gesture on the part of the performer instead of addressing the audience directly.
Each selection is less than five minutes in length. They can be used in Sunday School programs, at Good Friday services, in Christmas and Easter programs, in youth meetings, school programs or during family celebrations at home. The monologues can be used without royalty payment if you have purchased at least one copy of the book.
These monologues are appropriate for presentation by young people from the upper elementary grades through high school.

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