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Varying Issues - Contending Against The Christian Believer's Faith

Aden John

Varying Issues - Contending Against The Christian Believer's Faith

( Feb. 27, 2020)
Are we there already? Is it the end of the world yet? Will The World ever recover from the effects of the COVID-19? Is Donald Trump the last president of the world? Where Then Are We?

Indeed we are right at the very end of timing down here on earth. We are in a set aside timing called 'Time Differentiation'. We are fully in the era of church without walls. We are at the very end of days. This timing has been marked by the unleashing of the CORONA VIRUS plague and 'A Third' of the earth has been scorched but the whole world at large is not to be spared.

Brace up! The End of All Things is here, the hour has come and we are already in the timing of the Voice of the Seventh Angel - as spoken of by Brother John - Revelation 10:5-7 and now the multitudes of the mystery of God should be finished.

In this book title, Varying Issues such as 'astrology', 'out of body practices', 'diverse sexual practices', 'reincarnation', 'telepathy and channeling arts', 'fashion', 'music', 'atheism', 'magic' and so much more but all of which contends with the faith of the christian believer. Going through this material helps us to gain the understanding of why sin remains sinful and unpleasing to God and that sin in any and every form is what the christian believer must never embrace but flee away from.

In today's world and today's Christianity, there are a lot of things which seem right to the eyes of the believer but evidently wrong before God and as stipulated in His Word. For the one who must come to Christ, there is a standard - our conscience must be alive and must not condemn us else we are condemned and lack confidence towards God. He who desires to be pure and undefiled by God's standard must be aware of these things and must know how to maintain the balance in his faith.

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