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From Sunshine to Light Bulb

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Age 8-12
Grade 4-6

Michael Bright

From Sunshine to Light Bulb

Hardcover (Crabtree Publishing Company Aug. 15, 2016)
"What happens when you flip a light switch or press the power button on the TV? Electricity flows to the device and it turns on. Most of us use electrical gadgets all day, every day, without thinking about it. This book follows the journey from source to resource of solar power, one of the most exciting forms of renewable energy today. Young readers will learn how electricity is made and collected directly from the sun and how it reaches us to power our modern world. Other sources of energy are also examined, as well as how grids work to move electricity across land and sea, and how it is fed into our homes. Case studies also look at solar farms, solar furnaces, solar towers, and even solar transportation. With the world's nonrenewable resources such as oil running out, the advantages and disadvantages of solar power as a renewable alternative are discussed."--Provided by publisher.
Source to Resource
0778727076 / 9780778727071
12.0 oz.
8.2 x 0.3 in.

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