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Surviving the Tsunami: Hear My Story

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Age 8-12
Grade 4-6

Sarah Eason

Surviving the Tsunami: Hear My Story

Hardcover (Crabtree Pub Co March 27, 2020)
"In 2004, powerful waves from a tsunami in the Indian Ocean hit Indonesia killing hundreds of thousands of people and causing widespread devastation. Based on the experiences of many tsunami victims, this fictional story follows Aditya and his mother who survived the tsunami on the island of Sumatra, but have no home to return to and must rely on the help of charity workers. Interspersed with facts and case studies about what causes tsunamis, this narrative tells a story common to many people who have had to flee and rebuild their lives after losing their homes, possessions, and sometimes, loved ones"--
Disaster Diaries
0778769917 / 9780778769910
10.9 oz.
8.2 x 0.3 in.

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