Stephen Donald Huff
Damon Blackley: Afreet Series Novel 5
(Capital Ideations, LLC Oct. 31, 2011)
, 2 edition
Damon Blackley is an angelic, tow-headed five-year-old boy with an idyllic home, loving parents and well-adjusted siblings. He has a pet cat and a secret friend named ‘Boda’, his alter ego and constant companion. Increasingly tangible, this mysterious and hidden entity leads the child on an escalating series of disturbing adventures, which have broadly devastating consequences for the people who love Damon Blackley.
As Damon’s family mysteriously disintegrates around him, the five-year-old remains strangely untouched by the tragedies that engulf him. From catastrophe to catastrophe, his imaginary friend, Boda, teaches him all the carnal lessons of life that his parents have long denied him, and the boy eagerly proves himself to be an adept apprentice in crime. In time, theirs proves to be a partnership writ large in the accounts of evil and, together, they will boldly stamp its many entries paid-in-full, their currency as blood and their profit in torment.