Jamila White , Ana Zdravkovic, Andrea Fowler
Look At Me
(Jamila A. White Jan. 16, 2019)
Many children face problems with their identity. Trying to fit into cultural norms due to mix ethnic background can leave a child feeling confused and isolated by peers. The author, Jamila White displays diversity through a blanket made of unique colors from which Kara,who is the main character, grandmother knitted for her to represent her mixed heritage. The blanket symbolized different cultural lines coming together by the display of one blanket. Kara's identity and self esteem is encouraged and expressed by the display of love and action through God's word, by the sharing of her blanket with her classmates. This book is a great read for all ages. It represents the world we currently know and live in today. Only through love can we live in peace and in harmony with one another.