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Peter Claylan

The Reading

Peter loves the new chip surgically implanted under the skin of his temple. The ability to send telepathic messages to his friends’ communication devices is cool. Still a teenager, he is fortunate to work with his father, Omar, powerful head of the World Council within the New Order of Society.Omar has a secret. His lifelong work in the paradimensional sciences has led to a discovery. The ability to pierce the alternate spirit dimension. Millions of souls await him as their messiah. But first, Omar must negotiate a deal with Keeper, evil custodian of the alternate dimension, selling his soul in the process. Keeper has an agenda of his own. Omar has an undertaking for Peter, a role he must play. He must entice Peter to conspire with him, tempting him with the spoils of power and eternal life. As the Event approaches, the quiet and systematic killing of the elderly must continue to ensure an efficient economy and nourish the spirit world. Peter must navigate the desires of his best friends who wish to be a part of Peter's apparent good fortune. His girlfriend Maria must make choices of her own for other horrifying reasons.Peter discovers something else. His life has been a lie.