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Speak Russian: Part 1. Endings of Words

Irina Millbery

Speak Russian: Part 1. Endings of Words

Before starting this book you must know General Parts of Speech (‘Learn Russian: Step 2. Parts of Speech’) and Parts of Words (‘Learn Russian: Step 3. Parts of Words’).In this book «Speak Russian: Part 1. Ending of Words» we will continue our journey much further. Don’t worry if it will difficult for you, just go and read and listen to the sounds of words. You will understand and remember much more with time.In this book you can repeat briefly ‘Parts of Words’, Single and Plural Nouns and Adjectives, learn the Gender of Nouns and Adjectives, Endings of Verbs, Grammar rules for Parts of Speech and get speaking advice. The 200 words, phrases, questions and few texts are shown along with their sounds. In each case you can learn examples of Russian words, phrases and understand text.

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