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Trick or Treat: Diary of an Accidental Vampire

Margaret R Blake

Trick or Treat: Diary of an Accidental Vampire

Paperback (Margaret R Blake Feb. 18, 2020)

Nigel D Tranter is a 15 year old lad who has no ambition, no prospects and no idea. But he does have friends - or two at least. Then to his surprise and delight he receives an invite to a Halloween party. However, this is not just any old party - it is the party of the year. Sadly though ... afterwards, he doesn't remember a thing about it the next morning.

Overtime, his friends fill him in on the details, but they are not what he's hoping to hear.

0648765415 / 9780648765417
5.6 oz.
5.8 x 0.3 in.

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