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Matt Shore

Travis & The Labyrinth

Paperback (Independently published Dec. 16, 2019)
Travis & The Labyrinth is a spellbinding tale of fantasy-adventure for kids, adults, and people still trying to decide which of those two things they are. After all, sometimes growing up in a magical fantasy world isn’t as simple as you’d like it to be. Travis’s story begins in an orphanage where the owner serves dirt for dinner. He’s tormented by a bully who wants to squish his pets. And his only hope for adoption is a man who looks like a tree.Travis takes up with a magical outlaw, and the two find themselves on the run from the law. They set out on a quest to steal an enchanted sword with ties to Travis’s family. But what dangers lurk in the forest outside Mercy Square? And can Travis’s new father-figure be trusted? You’ll have to summon your courage to find out as the gripping story unfolds, replete with bizarre creatures, bone-chilling threats, and advice for travelers on their own adventures in life.“This novel has the most playful charm to it, quickly sweeping you into its magic, creatures, and lovably unique characters, including our hero, Travis. While I was immediately drawn in to the humor and wit of the verbal-fencing style dialogues, I found that Shore weaves in the mechanisms of his universe so seamlessly that they almost immediately felt both totally fresh and right. I read passages of this book to my 6 year old son, whose imagination sparked alive at the descriptions of jarters, viledarts, and rickticks. We can hardly wait to see what Shore envisions in his future works.” - Teresa Marie Cowger
Spellbound Sword (Book 1)
1676032428 / 9781676032427
12.2 oz.
6.0 x 0.5 in.