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Courage Beyond Words: Holocaust Witness, Nazi Hunter, Language Teacher to the Stars: The Many Lives and Languages of Miche

Christopher Robbins

Courage Beyond Words: Holocaust Witness, Nazi Hunter, Language Teacher to the Stars: The Many Lives and Languages of Miche

Paperback (McGraw-Hill Aug. 28, 2007) , 1 edition

Michel Thomas survived starvation in French concentration and slave labor camps and endured torture as a fighter with the French Resistance. He saw combat with the U.S. Army and after the war hunted Nazis as an officer with U.S. Counter Intelligence. He captured important war criminals and was a witness in the trial of Gestapo chief Klaus Barbie, the Butcher of Lyon. His incredible experiences enabled him to forge a revolutionary learning system that made him the world's language master. His passion for life is a story of hope and inspiration and part of his lasting legacy.

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1.0 oz.
5.0 x 1.0 in.

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