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Joey the Kangaroo: An Adventure in Exercise

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Len Saunders

Joey the Kangaroo: An Adventure in Exercise

Paperback (AuthorHouse Jan. 20, 2010)
Joey The Kangaroo Joey The Kangaroo is part of the "An Adventure In Exercise" series by Len Saunders. Read this children's storybook with your children, and watch the fun and excitement that occurs with each page. These books motivate children to read and exercise simultaneously. The book serves 6 main purposes: To make reading fun for children To encourage children to read To make exercise fun for children To encourage children to exercise To teach the children number recognition To make learning numbers fun Children need motivational ways to get active. Many of them spend countless hours involved in technology instead of activity. The "An Adventure In Exercise" series was designed to motivate young children (ages 2-7) to get off the couch and exercise. Studies have shown that proper health habits start at a young age. Research has also shown that many overweight children become overweight adults.
1438939922 / 9781438939926
2.4 oz.
8.2 x 0.1 in.

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