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The Dance Centre Presents Giselle

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Chi Varnado

The Dance Centre Presents Giselle

Paperback (GnomeWood Press Feb. 13, 2020)
When the prima ballerina at The Dance Centre mysteriously vanishes, Randi unexpectedly lands the lead and learns that the world of ballet is not always as glamorous as it appears onstage. She harbors severe self-doubts about her abilities to rise to the honor of her new role. And when she begins her pas de deux training with a boy, new and conflicting feelings and emotions surface which send her spiraling into panic mode. All the while, Deanne, a younger middle schooler, seizes opportunities to undermine her at every pirouette. Randi struggles to maintain her crucial focus, but what if she doesn’t succeed?
The Dance Centre Presents (Book 1)
1734142308 / 9781734142303
12.0 oz.
5.5 x 0.6 in.

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