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I Should have Listened to Granny!

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C.M Birmingham

I Should have Listened to Granny!

eBook ( Nov. 8, 2018)
Luke is visiting his Granny for the weekend. Luke's Granny owns a sweet shop and her house is stuck onto it! Luke feels like the luckiest boy in the world because he thinks Granny will give him all of her sweets in the shop! When Granny gives him potatoes and vegetables for dinner, Luke cannot believe it! Why is she giving him this instead of a plate full of candy? He sneaks down when she is asleep and takes the key to her shop. He eats all the sweets he can fit in his tummy, but soon learns a harsh lesson that too many sweets can make little boys sick! Luke realises he should have eaten the healthy dinner that Granny made, only then would he have gotten his sweets. Luke learns in the end that vegetables make you big and strong and unlike sweets- do not make your tummy sick! A humorous and fun tale but with an important lesson to eat healthy.