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Overview on NanoTechnology: NanoTechnology

S.A Kumar

Overview on NanoTechnology: NanoTechnology

language ( Nov. 17, 2017)
About Books

NanoTech is the art and science of manipulating matter at the NanoScale. NanoTech is the study of manipulating matter on an atomic and molecular scale. Generally, NanoTech deals with developing materials, devices, or other structures with at least one dimension sized from 1 to 100 NanoMeters. The word Nano means "Dwarf" One NanoMeter (nm) is one out of Billionth of a meter (10- 9m)
Nanotechnology we are concerned with natural and synthetic materials in the size range of 1–100 nm. At such a small size, very familiar classical, Newtonian mechanics or thermodynamics are not able to explain the observed properties of materials. We have to use quantum mechanics sometimes directly and sometimes through subjects like solid state physics or chemistry which use it to explain the properties and phenomenon of different materials. Quantum mechanics and how it got developed so that it can be used to understand atoms, molecules, solids and nanomaterials. gives some historical milestones, which have led to quantum mechanics.
Overview on Nanotechnology

Nanotechnology Definition, Historical Milestones, Old Quantum Theory Period, Modern Quantum Theory Begins, NanoTechnology Timeline, Premodern Examples of nanotechnologies, What is so special about Nanoscale?, Scale at which Quantum effects dominate of properties of materials, Scale at which much of Biology occurs, Scale at which surfaces and interfaces play a large role in Material properties and interactions, Size of Nanoscale, What is the future of NanoTechnology in Food? , Significance of the Nanoscale

New Materials
Nanomaterials, Defining Nanomaterials. What are synthetic nanoparticles?. How nanoparticles are made. Nanomaterials and Nanoscience, Nanoscale In One Dimension, Thin films, layers and surfaces, Graphene and other 2D materials, Nanoscale In Two Dimensions, Carbon Nanotubes, Inorganic Nanotubes, Nanowires, Biopolymers, Nanoscale In Three Dimensions, Nanoparticles, Fullerenes, Dendrimers, Quantum Dots
Nanotechnology Applications
Applications of Nanomaterials, Nanobiotechnology, Nanoelectronics, Nanocoatings, Nanoplasmonics, Food and Agriculture, Energy, Energy (graphene only), Space, Cosmetics, Automotive Industry, Construction, Displays, Medicine, HIV/AIDS treatmen, To fight and cure cancer, Surgery, Green Industries, Sports Equipment.
Carbon Nanotubes
History, Production Methods, Purification Methods, Dispersion, Functionalization, Properties, Applications
NanoTechnology Image
Nanotechnology Frequently Asked Questions

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