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Gods and Goddesses
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John Malam
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Peter Bedrick
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Age 8-18
Grade 3-12

John Malam

Gods and Goddesses

Hardcover (Peter Bedrick Sept. 1, 1999)

•Who were the gods and goddesses and where did they come from?

•How did the ancient Greeks worship their gods and goddesses?

•Why are the stories of the gods and goddesses still popular?

The ancient Greeks took religion seriously. Government decisions were often made only after consulting with the gods. The ancient Greeks believed that Zeus, the king of the gods, and al the other gods lived high on Mount Olympus. Their stories became interwoven with ancient Greeks’ lives and offer a fascinating insight into an amazing civilization.

0872265986 / 9780872265981
15.3 oz.
8.8 x 0.3 in.

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