Charles Asbury Stephens
When Life was Young at the Old Farm in Maine
A story of wholesome home life on an old-fashioned Maine farm in 1865.Charles Asbury Stephens' 1910 volume "When Life was Young at the Old Farm in Maine" contains thirty of the author's inimitable chapters of life on the Old Squire's farm, and describes in detail, the hearty, merry, wholesome home life at the old farm in Maine.When President Lincoln sent out the call for troops at the opening of the Civil War, five stalwart sons of a Maine country '' Squire'' entered the army of the Union.Of the five, not one survived that awful conflict. So it happened that their children, war waifs and orphaned, came back in 1865-6 to live at their grandfather's old farm on Lake Pennesseewassee in Oxford County, Maine.They came from four different states in the Union and two of the children had never even seen their cousins. At the age of 65, the grandfather set himself to till the farm on a larger scale and to renew his lumbering operations. Grandmother, too, was constrained to increase her flock of geese and other poultry and to begin anew the labor of spinning and weaving. About the author: Charles Asbury Stephens (1844 – 1931) was a well-known American writer of short stories and articles; he earned his M.D. from Boston University in 1887.Other works by Stephens include: Fox-hunting (1872) Lynx-hunting (1872) On the Amazons (1872) Left on Labrador (1873) Camping out: as recorded by "Kit" (1873) Off to the geysers (1872) The Best in the World (1880) The Young Moose Hunters (1882) The Knockabout Club Alongshore (1883) The knockabout Club in the woods (1883) The Knockabout club in the tropics (1883) The adventures of six young men in the wilds of Maine and Canada (1884) Living matter: its cycle of growth and decline in animal organisms (1888) Pluri-cellular man: Whence and what is the intellect, or "soul"? (1892) Charles Adams Tales (1896) Long life (1896) The nation's responsibility for its laborers on the Panama Canal (1904) The ark of 1803: a story of Louisiana purchase times (1904) Natural salvation (1905) Pioneer boys afloat on the Mississippi (1910) When Life was Young at the Old Farm in Maine (1912) The Fields are Adventure (1912) A great year of our lives at the old squire's (1912) Julia Sylvester (1912) Immortal life: how it will be achieved (1920) C. A. Stephens Looks at Norway (1920) A busy year at the old squire's (1922) Andros islands (1923) Haps and mishaps at the old farm (1925) Stories of my home folks (1926) Katahdin camps (1928)