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Incarnations of Immortality Omnibus 1

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Piers Anthony

Incarnations of Immortality Omnibus 1

Hardcover (SFBC March 15, 2013)
Death. Time. Fate. War. Nature. Evil. Good. These are the eternal forces that shape our lives. And in Incarnations of Immortality Vol. 1, the first two volumes of Piers Anthony's legendary saga of the everyday men and women who embody these awesome powers are collected together for the first time!In ON A PALE HORSE, Death dies at the hands, and the gun, of a man called Zane. Little doesZane realize that he must now take Death's place. Can he escape Satan's plot to trap him by forcing him to kill the woman he loves? in BEARING AN HOURGLASS, Norton finds meaning in his life by becoming the Incarnation of Time, living backwards from present to past. Gifts from Satan seemed like one of the perks. But they bear a terrible price....
Incarnations of Immortality (Book 1)
1611290082 / 9781611290080
22.4 oz.
8.3 x 5.6 in.

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