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Classical Chinese for Everyone: A Guide for Absolute Beginners

Age 0+

Bryan W. Van Norden

Classical Chinese for Everyone: A Guide for Absolute Beginners

Hardcover (Hackett Publishing Company, Inc. Oct. 2, 2019) , Bilingual edition
In just thirteen brief, accessible chapters, this engaging little book takes "absolute beginners" from the most basic questions about the language (e.g., what does a classical Chinese character look like?) to reading and understanding selections from classical Chinese philosophical texts and Tang dynasty poetry. "An outstanding introduction to reading classical Chinese. Van Norden does a wonderful job of clearly explaining the basics of classical Chinese, and he carefully takes the reader through beautifully chosen examples from the textual tradition. An invaluable work." —Michael Puett, Harvard University
1624668224 / 9781624668227
12.8 oz.
6.2 x 0.5 in.