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Zebras: Striped Wild Horses of Africa

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M Martin

Zebras: Striped Wild Horses of Africa

language ( Jan. 1, 2017)
Zebras are well known for their black and white stripes. But did you know that no two zebras’ stripes are the same? There are 3 kinds of zebras known in the African jungles and each of them have peculiar stripe designs on their bodies. Read this book to learn more about the types of stripes that each of these zebra families have, and how these stripes actually help them in their survival. In this book you will learn many wonderful and amazing facts about the zebra. You will learn more about their habits, what they eat, how they sleep, how they communicate with each other and how they protect themselves from predators. How do zebras take care of their young? What is a zebra harem and a zebra herd? Why is it that zebras migrate to other lands with other animals? Why do they groom each other? These questions and more will be answered in this book. In this book you will also find more than 20 colorful photos of the zebra in its habitat. These photos will help small children understand the life of a zebra better.

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