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The House on Sycamore Drive

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Dennis E. Clark

The House on Sycamore Drive

Paperback (America Star Books Nov. 14, 2011)
Two twelve-year old boys suspecting the old neighborhood recluse of killing the dogs in the area, sneak into the old man's house while he is away to try to find some evidence. However, the old man returns sooner than expected and the boys get caught. They think they are going to be killed by this grizzly looking old coot. Read about who really is responsible for "these dog murders" and the turn of events that follow when the boys sneak into the old man's house a second time. What happens to Kenny and Dennis after this incident changes their lives forever.
1462655033 / 9781462655038
4.8 oz.
5.5 x 0.2 in.

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