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High Five A Tree: Give Thanks For The Oxygen We Breathe

Sonia Rodrigues

High Five A Tree: Give Thanks For The Oxygen We Breathe

Paperback (9780359802654 Sept. 2, 2019)
What Better Way To Start Your Child’s Love Of Nature Than With The Optimistic Image Of“High-Fiving” A Tree?You’ve heard of literacy; but have you ever heard of environmental literacy? This unique andencouraging book improves both of these skills at the same time, enhancing your child’sunderstanding and appreciation of nature, and teaching them there is a much bigger world outthere beyond all the “screens” of our modern society.Every Living Thing Is Intimately Connected In A Web Of LifeJoin your child on an adventure through nature, while you reflect on positive and life-affirmingenvironmental values! Your child will learn all about the significance of our Earth’s naturalenvironment, and the vital role each living thing plays in it.Their imagination will soar as this delightful book takes you to visit each unique and preciouswildlife creature, all leading the way back to our essential trees -- which provide the air webreathe, of course!This book demonstrates the inner workings behind the precious ecosystem that ties all life onthe planet Earth together, instilling a natural sense of respect, love and even universal onenesswith nature in your kiddo.Make The World A Better Place For Your Child; Start Early With Fun Environmental EducationHigh Five A Tree also gently and buoyantly educates them on the importance of preserving ourhabitat, the planet earth. As the majority of adults know, this is a crucial issue with far-reachingimplications for all future generations, including your child!Learning how to love our environment is the best way to start. For now, that’s the mostimportant thing you can teach your little one, and this book does a magnificent job of doing justthat, without getting into anything else that might confuse their joy at this early age.Written by a mother, for children. Get your copy today!
Conscientious Kids Books (Book 1)
0359802656 / 9780359802654
3.8 oz.
8.5 x 0.1 in.