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Our Beautiful World of Colours: A Book to Help Your Child Understand Racial Diversity

Adanma George

Our Beautiful World of Colours: A Book to Help Your Child Understand Racial Diversity

eBook ( June 18, 2020)

Our Beautiful World of Colours Encourages Diversity and Anti-Racism among Kids.

We live in a world of many colours. Colours make the world beautiful. From the flowers in the fields to animals big and small, each has a unique colour and every colour is beautiful in its own way.

Just like everything around us, we humans also have different colours. Some are dark skinned while others are light skinned. Despite our unique colours, we have a lot in common; we all laugh, we all cry and we feel very sad when we are judged by the colour of our skin. Our unique colours should be celebrated not criticized.

Our Beautiful World of Colours is an easy guide to help your child understand racial diversity. By showing how we have very similar human experiences despite the colour of our skin, this book will help kids understand why no skin colour is superior to another.

This book teaches racial equality and encourages kids to speak out against racism. It'snot enough to wear anti-racism t-shirts or anti-racism hoodies, the journey to raising an anti-racist human starts with our kids! Kids get to recite a "Colour Pledge" to help them remember to always treat every human equally and respectfully irrespective of their skin colour.

If you're looking for books for kids on diversity or books for kids on racism, this is a great read written not just for pleasure but to inspire anti-racist actions in Kids. Our Beautiful World of Colours, like other popular other popular anti-racist books like Anti-Racist Baby Ibram X. Kendi and It's OK to be Different by Sharon Purtill, should be part of your kid’s library.

Our Beautiful World of Colours is a perfect educational gift for 2 year olds and above. It’s also great for parents who are looking for books for 8 year old boys or girls and other more mature kids.
