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Sue Messruther

Neverland is in the cards

language (Self Publishing May 10, 2014)
Just when Sarah believes she will have the romantic moment with Arys that she has been craving, at one of the most beautiful weddings she has ever witnessed, she is confronted with an ugly truth from her past: Her father is a beast. With this revelation comes a myriad of emotions, and Sarah is certain that it will take some time to sort them all out.

The Queen makes her presence known, and her control over Arys quite clear, drawing fury from Sarah. After Sarah bravely stands up against the Queen in defense of Arys, he is not as grateful as he is fascinated.

How has Sarah overcome the Queen's power over him?
Could there be some truth to the whispered suspicions that Sarah has dark magic within her?
He isn't the only one surprised by her abilities, Sarah is left more confused than ever.

Her once normal life has transformed into one that seems purely paranormal, but some things have not changed. Her adoration for Arys, and her investigation of her family's history. When her mother is stolen from her once more, and with Letia's assistance Sarah begins a long journey deep within the mind and memories of her mother. As risky as it is for her, Sarah knows that it must be done, as she cannot lose her mother again. Even after such an eye-opening experience Sarah is thrust into yet another mystery.

When she discovers the powerful tool that her brother has been wielding she receives a grave glimpse of what is unfolding on the island of Neverland. She must set aside her own fears and confusion in order to stop a terrible tragedy from unfolding. As she works together with her father, she is confronted with the truth of the beast within him. As terrifying as it is to see him snarling and hungry, she realizes that she is braver than she thinks, and stronger than she thinks.

Throughout their journey, she discovers more about her father's past with the Queen, and gains a deeper understanding of just how bitter she has become. As the Queen is permanently damaged by the past, Sarah wonders if her father will remain a beast for the rest of his life. As Sarah begins to understand her own abilities, she is growing more confident, but with that confidence comes a renewed determination to take risks.

A cryptic message reveals more about her family history, and a connection to the Queen that Sarah never could have imagined. By looking through her mother's eyes into the past, Sarah is given a pure glimpse into the creation of a monster. Armed with this knowledge she begins to decipher just what makes the Queen as powerful and destructive as she is. Without knowing for certain that her discovery is valid, she must test it out on someone she holds very dear.

Will her hunch be correct, or will it put everyone in danger once more?
Will Sarah and Arys ever have the opportunity to express their true feelings for one another?

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