Baroness Emmuska Orczy

The Tangled Skein

Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform July 25, 2016)

The scene is laid in Old Hampton Court in the days of Mary Tudor and her picturesque and brilliant Court. For vital human interest it equals "The Scarlet Pimpernel."

"The author of 'The Scarlet Pimpernel' has just that womanly sentiment....which goes straight to the heart of readers. Her pages are vivid and full of color." -Tribune

"Picturesque, well imagined, and written with a rare combination of lightness and vigor, the book cannot but prove enjoyable to readers who like a spirited romance." -Scotsman

"The author has shown her cunning as a deviser and vigorous narrator of a historical story." -Times of London

"We should not be surprised to hear that 'The Tangled Skein' has gone into a dozen editions. It is the kind of historical romance that has been popular in all ages." -Weekly Standard

"Told with all the dramatic faculty and élan, and all the admirable sense of historical detail which have characterized the Baroness's previous work." -Bystander

"As regards originality of plot, charm of writing, wealth of description, and ingenuity of construction the story equals, and we almost say excels, the immortal 'Scarlet Pimpernel,' which emanated from the same pen." -Yorkshire Herald

1535472138 / 9781535472135
22.4 oz.
6.0 x 0.8 in.

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