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The Curse of Akkad: Climate Upheavals that Rocked Human History

Peter Christie

The Curse of Akkad: Climate Upheavals that Rocked Human History

Paperback (Annick Press March 14, 2008)

Dramatic accounts of turbulent natural forces that shaped civilizations.

When Sargon of Akkad created the world's first empire 4,000 years ago, he thought none could conquer his powerful kingdom. He was wrong. A disastrous drought in Mesopotamia helped topple the Akkadian civilization.

Similar climate-related events rocked other civilizations. Ancient Rome experienced a catastrophic 18 months of darkness, possibly from a volcanic eruption half a world away. Mayan society in Mexico began to crumble when fresh water became scarce. And both ancient Egypt and ancient China were transformed by failed crops and starving citizens.

While many wonder how today's warming climate will affect our future, The Curse of Akkad explores capricious climate shifts of the past. From an ice age that gave humans an evolutionary leg up to an El Ni-o that frustrated the battle plans of Hitler, author Peter Christie shows that the prevailing weather of a place is not simply a backdrop to important events, but often a critical player.

The Curse of Akkad is an acclaimed writer's exciting and enlightening look at climate's frequent place at the helm of human history.

1554511186 / 9781554511181
6.4 oz.
4.8 x 0.5 in.

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